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Choosing a Bed Bug Exterminator

When you have a bed bug infestation, it’s important to hire an exterminator who specializes in this pest. They can detect these blood-sucking parasites by looking for their fecal stains and molted skin.

They will also be able to determine the best treatment plan for you. This could include a chemical spray, heat treatment, or fumigation. Contact Bed Bug Exterminator Tampa now!

Infestations spotted early can be treated and eradicated much more easily than an infestation that is allowed to grow. If you suspect bed bugs in your home–whether you’re developing itchy skin or find signs like blood stains on the sheets or furniture or rusty-colored feces–call your local pest control company immediately for a professional inspection and treatment.

While you wait for your exterminator to arrive, it’s a good idea to examine your home and belongings for the insects. Look for them in areas they’re most likely to hide, including the seams of mattresses and pillowcases, the tufts and folds of couches and reclining chairs, the cracks around bed frames, the baseboards and the edges of wall/floor junctions. You can also use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to inspect the surface of the mattress and box springs (be sure to double-bag and throw the bag out, outside in a trash can or dumpster) and examine furniture for bed bug feces, shed skins, and eggs.

As populations increase, they tend to move out of their normal hiding places and spread to other areas. Be especially careful to check behind and underneath furniture, such as end tables or dressers; in the crevices of baseboards and carpet edges; and behind electrical outlets and wall switches.

Be sure to examine your clothes and bags for feces, eggshells, and shed skins, as well. These little critters are also known for being excellent hitchhikers, and they’ll often make their way to other rooms or even vehicles in your house or car.

Some homeowners choose to use passive pitfall traps that utilize the insect’s behavior and tendency to climb vertical coarse surfaces. These are more effective than visual inspections alone and can detect very low numbers of bed bugs. You can also purchase and use specialized traps that employ a chemical called pyrethrin, which is highly effective at killing the pests at any stage of life.


The best way to treat bed bugs is with a combination of methods:

Using a vacuum cleaner with a special attachment for crevices and seams, remove all items from an infested room. Put them in plastic bags and double-bag them to protect against contamination from items you want to keep. Items with nooks and crannies that need to be treated can be placed in a kill chamber (a large bin taped shut) with a contact pesticide strip attached, such as Nuvan ProStrips. The strips release a poison that will cause the bugs to suffocate. Then the bin can be sealed for a couple days or however long the strip instructions recommend. Vacuuming will help remove some of the bed bugs, but a lot will still be hiding in places where you can’t reach them.

After treatment, seal cracks and crevices where they could hide with silicon caulking. Make sure to remove animal nests and bat roosts, as these may be the source of your infestation. Check and clean regularly until the infestation is gone.

Bed bugs are very persistent, and it can be a few weeks or even a year before you get them completely under control. To prevent them from returning, keep records of everything you do. Write down the dates you cleaned, inspected and treated rooms, and note the location of each item that was infested so you can pinpoint which areas to focus on when cleaning and inspecting.

To minimize your risk of re-infestation, perform regular cleaning and inspections after a bed bug treatment, and make sure to do a full inspection before bringing in new furniture. Do this every time you bring in a guest, and at least weekly for a while after your bed bug exterminator leaves. Also, make a habit of carefully checking your mattress for signs of bed bugs on a daily basis and washing your linens often (at least once a week). This should keep the population at bay until you have successfully eliminated them from all areas of your home or apartment. Finally, remember to always use a certified pest-control company for your extermination services!


The most effective way to prevent bed bugs is to keep them from entering your home in the first place. This includes avoiding giving away or accepting anything that may have been infested by these pests, such as clothing, books, toys, electronics, or other items.

Whenever you have doubts about an item, double bag it and put it in a safe location until you can examine or clean it thoroughly. It’s a good idea to use clear bags so that you can see what’s inside.

If you’re worried about someone else bringing in bed bug pests on their clothes, ask them to wear a jacket or robe and hang it in the coat closet. Then, you can be confident that they won’t accidentally transport these insects on their body to your bedroom and bed.

Once you have a confirmed bed bug infestation, it’s important to act quickly. The longer that these pests are in your house, the more difficult it will be to get rid of them.

One of the most effective ways to treat a bed bug infestation is by using liquid pesticides. This treatment is very effective at killing both adult bugs and their eggs. It is also very safe for the environment and your family, but it can be disruptive since you’ll need to temporarily evacuate your house while the insecticide is working.

Aside from using insecticides, there are several other things you can do to help prevent a bed bug infestation from occurring in your home. For instance, vacuuming your house every day is a good way to remove any stray bed bugs that have landed on your furniture or bedding. Make sure to vacuum thoroughly, especially in the corners and crevices of rooms.

You should also wash your clothing, bedding, and curtains regularly. Put these items in a hot dryer (at least 120 degrees) to kill any bed bugs or their eggs that might be living on them. If you have any items that can’t be washed, such as stuffed animals or shoes, you should heat treat them in a chest freezer at least for 30 minutes to kill the pests and their eggs.


When choosing a bed bug exterminator, ask about their certification and licensing. Any reputable company will be able to provide you with this information immediately. Licensing is a good indicator of the level of expertise that a company offers, and it ensures that they will be following all applicable laws and regulations.

Also, be sure to ask about their treatment methods. This is an important question because bed bugs are resistant to many types of treatment. The best way to eliminate these pests is through a combination of treatments and prevention measures.

For example, you should use silicon caulk to seal cracks in the walls and baseboards, as well as around furniture. This will prevent bed bugs from hiding in these spaces. You should also wash all of your linens and curtains in hot water to kill any existing bed bugs. You should also remove clutter from the infested room and vacuum the area. This will help remove the nymphs and eggs that are currently infesting the space.

Then, you should cover your mattress and box spring with a bug-proof mattress protector. This will keep the pests from getting inside and spreading to other areas of your home. You should also place a bug-proof pillowcase on your bed, and use a bug-proof zippered mattress bag for storage.

Aside from these protective measures, you should also vacuum your infested rooms frequently. This will remove the nymphs and eggs from the surfaces of your home, which will make it more difficult for them to reproduce. You should also use a steam cleaner on your mattresses and box springs. This will also kill the insects and their nymphs.

Finally, you should also inform your neighbors of the problem so that they can take precautionary measures as well. If you live in an apartment complex, this is especially important, as bed bugs can travel from unit to unit.

Lastly, you should choose an exterminator that uses non-toxic methods of pest control. This is the best way to protect your family’s health, as well as the environment. A non-toxic treatment will also cause less disruption to your daily life.

Why You Should Hire a Truck Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in an accident with a large truck, it’s important to collect evidence. This can include photographs of the crash scene, skid marks, and vehicle damage. It can also help your attorney prove negligence on the part of trucking companies or maintenance contractors.

Once your lawyer builds a strong case, they will negotiate with the at-fault parties’ liability insurance carriers. This is the primary source of recovery in truck accident cases. Contact Truck Accident Lawyer Baltimore now!

A truck accident lawyer with in-depth knowledge of the trucking industry will be able to help you build a strong case for compensation. They can assess your damages and file a lawsuit against the responsible party. They will also handle the complex legal process and communicate with insurance companies on your behalf. They will provide you with peace of mind and let you focus on your recovery.

Truck accidents can be complex and involve multiple parties. A skilled New York truck accident attorney will know how to identify all potential liable parties and determine their degrees of fault. This will ensure that you receive the maximum possible compensation for your injuries and losses.

A competent truck accident attorney will be able to gather evidence from the scene of the crash, including eyewitness testimonies and police reports. They will also review the trucking regulations to determine if any violations may have contributed to the crash. In addition, they will be able to obtain electronic data from the truck’s black box, GPS systems, and other electronic devices. This will help them understand the truck’s speed, braking patterns, and maintenance history.

In addition to establishing liability, a New York truck accident attorney will also help you recover medical expenses and property damage. These expenses can include hospital bills, physical therapy, and prescription medications. In many cases, injured victims must receive lifelong care due to their injuries, which can place a strain on the family budget.

The trucking industry is regulated by federal laws and state statutes. Truckers and trucking companies must follow these rules to avoid causing crashes. A New York truck accident lawyer with in-depth knowledge of these laws will be able to identify violations and use them as leverage in negotiations or at trial.

A good truck accident attorney will have a wide network of experts and resources, including accident reconstruction engineers, forensic interpreters, 3d visualization designers, and life-care planners. They will also be able to find medical professionals who can testify about the extent of your injuries and the impact on your life.


A truck accident lawyer with extensive experience in handling large commercial vehicle accidents will have a good understanding of the complexities involved in these cases. In addition, he or she will know how to identify all the responsible parties and bring them to justice. For instance, if the truck driver had prior violations of Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations that contributed to the crash, then the attorney will conduct a thorough investigation and use this information to build a strong case. Similarly, if the truck crashed due to defective parts or equipment that were not properly maintained at the factory, then the manufacturer may be held liable.

Another important aspect to consider is how experienced the lawyer will be in negotiating with insurance companies. This is especially true for catastrophic injury claims, which involve high stakes litigation. A successful track record of negotiated settlements and positive verdicts shows that the lawyer has the skills needed to handle complex commercial vehicle cases.

Besides proving negligence, which is the basis of all truck accident lawsuits, your attorney will need to prove the extent of your damages. This includes your medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering. In order to calculate your damages, your attorney will need to have access to the medical records of your injuries. In addition, your attorney will need to review the incident report and the crash scene, as well as examine any data from the truck’s onboard electronic information system, eyewitness statements and expert testimony.

A qualified and experienced truck accident lawyer will be able to handle these aspects of your case so that you can focus on getting better. He or she will also assess the monetary value of your injuries and pursue different types of compensation. They will also provide assistance with dealing with the insurance company and negotiating a final settlement.

During your initial meeting, ask the attorney about his or her past cases. Find out how many cases he or she has handled, the severity of the injuries and the outcomes of those cases. In addition, it is helpful to know whether the attorney will be handling your case on his or her own or if he or she will be assigning tasks to junior associates.


When choosing a truck accident lawyer, you need one with a solid reputation in the legal community and among former clients. Online reviews, testimonials, and referrals can help you gauge a lawyer’s expertise and credibility. You should also look into their track record of successfully settling and winning truck accidents. This information is usually available on a lawyer’s website, or you can ask them about it during a consultation.

A good truck accident attorney will build a strong case on your behalf by carefully analyzing all evidence and determining which parties are responsible for the crash. They will then determine how much you deserve in compensation. A thorough assessment of damages will ensure that the insurance company does not undervalue your claim.

Trucking companies and their insurers will do everything in their power to reduce their liability and protect their bottom line. They may use every tactic in the book to lowball you and make your case seem less serious. This is why you need a truck accident lawyer with experience in litigating large claims against trucking companies and their insurers.

Your truck accident lawyer will work closely with other specialists, like accident reconstruction experts and medical professionals, to create a comprehensive legal strategy for your case. These experts can provide valuable insights and support your claim by analyzing the cause of the accident and its long-term impact on your health and wellbeing. They can also explain how your injuries were caused by the truck accident and provide insight into the level of compensation you might receive.

In New York, the law recognizes pure comparative negligence, which means that you can recover a percentage of your damages based on the percentage of fault attributed to each party. In addition, your truck accident attorney will work closely with forensics experts to examine the scene of the accident, inspect the truck driver’s logbooks, and review maintenance and repair records to identify potential causes.

A reputable truck accident lawyer will be experienced and knowledgeable in trucking industry laws and regulations. They will also be able to effectively communicate with you and treat your case with care and respect. Schedule free consulations with potential attorneys and evaluate their communication style and responsiveness to see how they will work with you.


The cost of a truck accident lawyer can vary greatly depending on the firm, the case, and whether or not it requires filing a lawsuit. However, a skilled attorney is typically worth the investment. In fact, studies have shown that injury victims who work with attorneys receive much higher settlements than those who do not. Furthermore, hiring a lawyer saves you time and stress by handling the entire case for you.

A truck accident lawyer can help you determine the potential value of your claim and demand a fair settlement from the insurance company. They also understand the complex rules and regulations that apply to trucking companies, such as driving limits, mandatory medical examinations, and drug testing. They can use this knowledge to uncover the parties responsible for your accident and build a strong case against them.

They will also be familiar with the different forms of compensation you can seek, including property damage and loss of income. For example, you may be able to recover damages for your medical bills, pain and suffering, mental anguish, lost earnings, and more. They can also help you find expert witnesses to strengthen your case.

Moreover, they will handle all the paperwork and legal procedures associated with your case, allowing you to focus on your recovery. They will also negotiate with the insurance company and prepare for trial if necessary. They will also provide you with regular updates on the progress of your case.

The experienced team at Chopra & Nocerino can help you get the maximum compensation for your injuries. We have years of experience identifying the cause of the accident and proving liability. We can even take on the large insurance companies, ensuring you are not taken advantage of by their tactics.

In addition to helping you receive a higher settlement, a qualified truck accident lawyer can also save you a lot of time and stress. They will help you gather and present crucial evidence such as crash reports, medical records, and dashcam footage. They can also negotiate with the insurance company and file a lawsuit on your behalf if needed.

What to Expect From a Bathroom Remodel

Richmond VA Bathroom Remodel can be expensive. The cost depends on what you want to change, how extensive the work is and how quickly it needs to be done.

Any contractor you hire should be licensed. Check licensing requirements in your state. You should also make sure they’re insured in case something goes wrong during the renovation.

A bathroom remodel is a great opportunity to rethink the layout of your space. Changing the position of your toilet, shower/tub, and sinks can make a big difference in the overall feel of your bath. However, moving these fixtures will require a substantial amount of plumbing work, increasing the cost and complexity of your project.

The layout of a bathroom can be a tricky area to tackle during a remodel. There are a variety of factors to consider, including whether you want a shared bathroom for two people or a master suite. Also, you’ll want to keep in mind ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) guidelines and standard bathroom size requirements when choosing a new bathroom layout.

Changing the layout of a bathroom can be a major undertaking that impacts all aspects of the renovation. The existing pipes, electrical hookups, ventilation system, and other components can complicate the process and add to costs. It’s important to understand how much the changes will impact your budget before beginning a bathroom remodel.

If you’re planning a smaller renovation, your options for the bathroom layout may be more limited. Guest bathrooms and powder rooms tend to be a bit more flexible in terms of layout, but the available space still needs to be carefully considered.

One of the most common ways to change the layout of a bathroom is to add more floor space. This can be accomplished in a number of ways, including knocking down walls or expanding into adjacent rooms. Adding more square footage can dramatically increase the functionality and feel of your bathroom, but it’s important to think through how you’ll use the space and consider the implications on your home’s structure and utility bills.

If you’re looking to spruce up your bathroom without breaking the bank, you can focus on upgrading the fixtures instead. Changing vanity positions, adding a window, or installing a built-in bathtub can make your bathroom more comfortable and luxurious.


A bathroom remodel is an important investment in your home. It’s crucial to find the right contractor to ensure that the final product is in line with your vision. This means taking the time to reach out to multiple contractors, asking questions, and getting estimates.

One of the most important aspects of a bathroom remodel is plumbing and electrical work. It’s essential to hire licensed plumbers and electricians for this type of specialized work. Homeowners should also check that the contractor has a valid license and insurance. This will protect them in the event that something goes wrong during the remodeling process.

During the bathroom remodel, homeowners may need to change the position of fixtures, such as moving a sink or changing where the toilet is located. This will require a plumber to move or relocate the pipes in order to make these changes. It’s also possible that the existing plumbing will need to be replaced. This is particularly common in older homes that have copper piping.

It’s also common for a bathroom remodel to include new light fixtures. These can add a nice design element and improve the lighting in the room. Homeowners can choose from recessed lights, sconce lighting around the mirror, pendant lighting, or other options. It’s important for homeowners to consider how their chosen light fixtures will complement the overall design of the bathroom, as well as any other color schemes or textures that they plan to use.

Another aspect of the bathroom remodel that requires a plumber is installing or replacing the toilet. Many older toilets are due for a replacement, and this is an opportunity for homeowners to upgrade to a more efficient toilet. Homeowners should also think about whether they want a one-piece or two-piece toilet.

Finally, a good plumber will be able to install or replace any other plumbing components in the bathroom, such as tubs, showers, and bathtubs. It’s important to remember that the plumbing in these areas will be exposed during a remodel, so it’s crucial to ensure that they are properly installed and sealed in order to prevent leaks and water damage.


Bathroom renovation is an excellent way to add value to your home. But it’s important to keep in mind that the project involves more than just cosmetic changes. The remodel must also include plumbing and electrical work to ensure that the finished product is safe and up to code.

An electrician is the best professional to hire for this part of your remodel. They will ensure that all outlets are properly installed and that they have enough power to accommodate your fixtures. They will also determine how much amperage your circuit can handle, which is essential to prevent overloading that could lead to a fire.

The next step is to create a detailed design that accounts for all physical elements in your new bathroom. This stage requires collaboration with your expert team to produce schematic drawings for approval by your building board and to ensure that all specifications are met. It also includes sizing sinks, bathtubs, showers, and any other features. Once your plans are finalized, the contractor will get to work.

If you’re planning to install a washer/dryer (which is a great investment for your home), be prepared to reconfigure the floorplan. The units are typically located in closets, but you can often fit them in a bathroom with the help of a creative contractor. Isis and Stephano’s contractor knocked down a wall and used two adjacent closets to make space for their stacking machines, which “took amazing Tetris skills.”

While you might not be changing out any major appliances, you may want to upgrade your fuse box to one with more amperage capacity. With increased activity and electricity use, old fuses can overheat and cause problems.

The last step is to install the lighting, fan, and mirrors. You can choose from a variety of styles, sizes, and materials for these items to suit your preferences. For the lighting, consider both aesthetics and functionality; you want the light to be bright enough for tasks but not so bright that it’s too harsh or distracting.

Finishing Touches

Once the bathroom remodel is nearing completion, you’ll need to install the shower and tub tiles and any other decorative elements. Once everything is in place, the final touches can come alive to really bring the space to life.

Bathrooms need to be tough and durable, able to cope with big temperature changes, humidity shifts and outright water exposure. They also need to be easy to clean and withstand harsh chemicals and constant use. However, the best materials can often be more expensive than their cheaper counterparts. That’s why it’s important to think about what is important to you in a bathroom before making any decisions about material selection.

If you’re looking for a design that’s both unique and stylish, consider adding a feature wall. Shiplap walls, board and batten, beadboard or other materials are a great option for adding character to your space while remaining functional. You can also find a wide variety of bathroom lights, mirrors and accessories in a range of styles and finishes to suit your bathroom.

Another finishing touch you can add to your bathroom is a rug. An area rug provides comfort and warmth underfoot while complementing the color scheme and tying the look of your new bathroom together. It’s also a good idea to lay down an anti-slip mat around the toilet for safety and convenience.

Don’t forget to include storage solutions in your plan for your bathroom remodel. Whether fitted furniture offers the opportunity to achieve a co-ordinated finish or modular pieces can be placed after the sanitaryware is in place, it’s important that you factor in adequate storage for your items. You’d be surprised how quickly a well-planned bathroom can become cluttered, so don’t skimp on space.

It’s also essential to make sure that any contractor you hire is properly insured before starting work on your bathroom remodel. You’ll need proof of personal liability, workers’ compensation and property damage insurance. Those responsible for your remodel will be in and out of your home over the duration of the project, so it’s important to make sure they are people you can trust.

Don’t Go On Vacation Without Reading This First

Taking that well deserved vacation can be a treat for you and the entire family. However, before you decide to book your vacation, read some helpful hints about traveling in this informative article. Use the tips and information provided to help you have a more pleasurable experience.

Make sure your house does not look vacant while you are away. Coming home to find that you have been robbed would be a nightmare. If you intend to be gone for a considerable length of time, consider redirecting or having a friend pick up your mail for you.

If you are going to be traveling abroad you may want to consider staying in a hotel which offers you a place to cook your own food. Unlike in America dining out in Europe can be rather pricey, and if you’re money minded, it would behoove you to go grocery shopping and prepare your own meals. This may even help you get a better feel for the culture of the country you travel to.

If you are traveling overseas, you may want to consult a health practitioner about what vaccinations are recommended. Different areas of the world have different diseases and you always want to be prepared for what you are walking into. There are plenty of vaccinations out there that can keep you safe.

If you are going on extended vacation and leaving your home behind for a month, it might be worth it to you to stop cable fees and other utilities. Make sure to inform other services you subscribe to, such as pool cleaning or housekeeping while you’re away. Doing all of these things, ensure that you will have a worry-free vacation.

Traveling is something that most of us love to do, and many of us travel to various locations every chance we get. But it can be expensive and dangerous at times. Make sure you’re following this travel advice before you take your next trip. You’ll be thankful that you did.

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Expert Auto Repair Tips

Auto Repair

Expert auto mechanics can keep your car running smoothly so that you can cruise the streets focused and worry-free. But many people feel mistrustful of mechanics and repair shops due to the same reason they dislike going to a dentist or a lawyer.

However, you don’t need to be a mechanic to know what to look for in an auto repair shop.

1. Know Your Car’s History

There are a lot of reasons to bring your vehicle in for auto repair. Some problems are too delicate or complicated to handle on your own and may cause further damage if you do it incorrectly. Others, such as hidden engine damage, can be expensive and dangerous if you’re driving on busy roads. Expert mechanics are trained to provide state-of-the-art services so you can drive confidently and safely.

Mechanics can look through a car’s history report to see what repairs were previously done and whether those repairs have been effective. They can also find out the number of owners and if the car has been in an accident. Vehicle history reports usually include a detailed repair history that indicates which shops performed work and whether those repairs were successful. They also show if the car has been branded with a salvage title. It’s best to stay away from vehicles with a salvage title because they have often suffered serious and hidden damage.

A vehicle history report can also tell you if a car has been subject to mileage fraud or had its odometer rolled back. It can help you avoid cars that have been damaged by hail, floods or fire, as well as those with a history of recurring problems.

Mechanics can also use a vehicle’s history report to determine which components have been replaced and to find out whether the car has any unaddressed issues. This is especially useful if you’re buying a used car and want to be sure the previous owner took care of it well. It will also help you decide between two similar vehicles if one has a clean history and the other has been involved in an accident.

2. Know Your Car’s Symptoms

A car is one of the most useful things we own, allowing us to go wherever we need to be. That’s why it’s important to keep an eye on it for signs that something might be wrong. Many cars give drivers a few early warnings of impending problems. The most common include a flashing check engine light, strange noises when the brakes are applied, and a jerky steering wheel.

Other signs are more subtle, but still warrant immediate attention. If you notice your car leaking fluids, it’s a good idea to note the color and odor of the leak as well as where it’s located underneath the vehicle. This can help the mechanic determine what is causing it to leak and prevent further damage.

If you hear groans, humming, creaks, or other noises coming from your car while driving it, schedule an auto repair appointment as soon as possible. These sounds could be signs that something is wrong with the engine, transmission, axles, or other drivetrain components. It’s important to catch these early warning signs before they become more serious problems.

A clicking noise when you turn on the car is another sign that it’s time to bring your car in for repairs. This sound may indicate that the battery or alternator is failing. If it continues to happen, you might be left without a working vehicle and stuck on the side of the road. The best way to avoid these problems is to bring your car in for service as soon as you notice a problem, such as a hard start. This ensures that any issues are fixed quickly, before they develop into more serious problems.

3. Know Your Car’s Parts

Cars are complicated machines that have countless parts that must work in harmony to function. A single malfunctioning part can affect all systems and reduce the overall performance of a vehicle. Knowing about your car’s major components can help you communicate with your mechanic, improve the likelihood that you catch problems early, and save money on repairs.

Despite popular misconceptions, you do not need to be an auto repair expert to get high-quality, respectful service at an affordable price. However, there are a few basic things that every car owner should know about auto repair to keep their maintenance costs down.

Many cars have several warning signs that can alert you to potential problems, such as unusually high oil levels, screeching noises when braking, or difficulty starting your vehicle. Many of these signs can be easily spotted with simple observation, such as looking for leaks under the vehicle or examining the color, smell, and viscosity of the engine fluid.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should visit an auto repair shop as soon as possible. Doing so can prevent more costly damage from occurring, and will ensure that your car is safe to drive.

Another important thing to know about auto repair is the type of parts your mechanic uses. You should always ask if your mechanic is using genuine, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) parts, and what the warranty covers. OEM parts are made by the same company that manufactured your car, so they are guaranteed to fit and be compatible with the rest of your vehicle.

Some aftermarket parts are cheaper, but they may not be as reliable or have a warranty. If you want to save money on auto repair, it’s a good idea to stick with genuine parts and OEM replacements. If you’re not comfortable making this decision yourself, ask your mechanic to provide you with an estimate of the cost and what types of parts will be used.

4. Know Your Car’s Maintenance Schedule

If you want to drive your car for a long time and get the most out of it, then keeping up with scheduled maintenance is the way to go. It can prevent a simple problem from becoming more expensive and dangerous down the road. Plus, it’s the best way to ensure that your car will still be in great shape for its next owner.

While the exact manufacturer suggested maintenance schedule will vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle, there are some general guidelines you should follow to keep your car running its best. First, check your vehicle’s owner manual to see if the schedule is determined by time or miles. If it’s the latter, then most new cars come equipped with dashboard alerts that can help you remember to book a service appointment.

These services can include anything from oil changes to checking the status of your tires or suspension system. During these appointments, your mechanic will also be able to identify any issues that need immediate attention, such as low tire pressure or a broken belt.

Keeping up with your vehicle’s maintenance schedule can save you time, money and frustration. It can also protect your resale value and ensure that you’re safe on the road. So, don’t skip out on those service appointments, no matter how tempting it is to save a few bucks in the short term.

Besides avoiding auto repair costs, routine maintenance can also extend the life of your car and its components. Just be sure to choose a quality repair shop and stick with their recommendations. They’re the experts who know what they’re doing and can save you from costly problems in the future.

5. Know Your Car’s Repair Shop

Knowing how to recognize when your car needs a repair, understanding the basic auto service tasks that most shops provide, and educating yourself on consumer rights can empower you to care for your vehicle confidently. In the end, it will save you from unnecessary trips to the auto shop and will help your vehicle last longer.

While you can take care of many routine maintenance items (such as replacing your own windshield wipers) at home, it’s important to bring your vehicle to a professional, licensed and insured auto repair shop for the rest of its service needs. Today’s vehicles have sophisticated systems that require specialized expertise to service properly. Bringing your car to a trusted and reputable mechanic can also help you build a relationship with a mechanic who knows your vehicle history and can suggest preventative auto repairs that can extend the life of your vehicle.

You can also make sure you are getting a fair repair estimate by asking the shop how they price their labor work. Some shops charge a published rate, while others base their labor rates on the manufacturer’s recommended time for a specific repair task. You can also ask the shop for a detailed list of all the services and repairs performed on your vehicle. By law, all invoices must be written in plain language and spell out exactly what work was done on your vehicle.

While the coronavirus has wreaked havoc on financial markets, prompted countless hand-washing reminders, and ruined more than a few vacations, it hasn’t prevented customers from looking for quality auto repair services. In the age of Yelp and Google reviews, it’s more important than ever to have a solid reputation as an honest, trustworthy auto repair provider.
